Case for Support

Providing A Helping Hand

Not a Handout

HHRD exists as a leader in empowering lives, creating opportunities, and strengthening the bond of humanity. With over a decade of service HHRD is recognized as a global humanitarian organization responding to human sufferings in emergency and disastrous situations all over the world regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, class, and religion since its incorporation in 1998.

Inclusiveness Benefits Society

Short Term Help, Long Term Development

Our core values are mutual respect, equity and justice, care for all, honesty and transparency, self-respect, and solidarity with the poor regardless of race, color, ethnicity, or religion. We transform lives through skills and services that help sustain people, families, and communities. We have offices in Jordan for the Middle East, Kenya and Somalia for Africa, Pakistan for South Asia and in Burma and Thailand for Southeast Asia.

Millions of Lives Impacted

Donor Gifts Transform Lives

"What are we going to do when we learn that there are people who are suffering? I wish that we could take all the Muslims in America on the trips Helping Hand does. I want to give them a shout-out for having the wisdom in letting others see what’s really going on.”- Imam Siraj Wahhaj

Fully Compatible

Cras vulputate pretium tortor, sed consequat nibh blandit a. Integer ut bibendum nisi.

Instant Notifications

Cras vulputate pretium tortor, sed consequat nibh blandit a. Integer ut bibendum nisi.

Clean Codes

Cras vulputate pretium tortor, sed consequat nibh blandit a. Integer ut bibendum nisi.

Poster Design

Nulla rhoncus lectus eget mauris egestas, vitae faucibus nisl dapibus. Fusce rutrum pulvinar.

APP Design

Praesent suscipit nulla nec augue interdum hendrerit. Aliquam placerat diam ut odio.

Web Design

Aliquam laoreet urna et est accumsan feugiat. Pellentesque faucibus ut tortor quis pharetra.

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Advanced Techonology

Nulla id hendrerit arcu. Suspendisse facilisis lacinia pulvinar. Mauris efficitur nec erat a blandit.

Our skills

Our Hunger For Perfection Is What Drives Us Improve

Web Design


Our Professional Team

Vivamus eu hendrerit tortor. Integer semper pulvinar vulputate. Nulla sapien ligula, aliquam in lacinia a, tristique eu libero. Praesent finibus metus ut.

icon 08

Ettle Halsey




[email protected]

(845) 359-7777

Recent Work

Sed pulvinar velit eget consectetur tempus. Mauris a felis porta, finibus nisl vitae, molestie sapien. Nam interdum id turpis et eleifend. In a elit lacus.

Web Design


Our Professional Team

Vivamus eu hendrerit tortor. Integer semper pulvinar vulputate. Nulla sapien ligula, aliquam in lacinia a, tristique eu libero. Praesent finibus metus ut.

Mark Bieling - Chief Cameraman

Mark Bieling

Chief Cameraman

01. Can I specify my own private key?


02. How can I access my account data?


Ratings & Accreditation

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Contact Information

(888) 808-HELP (4357)

21199 Hilltop St, Southfield, MI 48033

[email protected]

Tax Exempt ID: 31-1628040

Hours of Operation:

Monday-Friday: 8:00am-5:00pm EST