Blog Guidelines

Are you passionate about a cause? Want to make a lasting impact? One way to do so is by sharing your thoughts and submitting a blog post. Take a moment to read the following guidelines before submission. Happy Writing!

Email your Writeup @ [email protected]


Only original, non-published, submissions will be accepted.


Our audience ranges from professionals to lawmakers, volunteers to donors, and the concerned public.

Word Count

The submission should be between 300-800 words. We urge you to be concise and consider readability. 


Please write in an easy-to-understand, open format, avoiding jargon. Since most of our audience is US based., we will only consider submissions in English.

Format and editing

All submissions will be edited for correct grammar and formatted based on AP Style, before publication.

Author bio

When submitting a blog post, please include your name and a two-sentence bio.

Submission procedures:

Please submit your blog post by sending an email to the HHRD Marketing team at [email protected] with the words “Blog Submission” in the subject line.


If HHRD was the first place the blog post was published, and it is being shared on another blog/website, please include the hyperlinked tag that says, “This piece was originally published on HHRD’s blog on mm/dd/yy.”


HHRD is unable to pay for contributed blog posts.


HHRD holds the right to republish blog posts in any of our other publications. HHRD also reserves the right to decline to publish a submission for any reason, including topics that are duplicated, discriminatory or offensive in nature, in need of substantial rewrites, self-promotional, or do not fit our needs. Due to the nature of these guidelines and our editorial calendar, blogs will not be published immediately. Publications may be staggered to ensure adequate shares and promotion.

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Contact Information

(888) 808-HELP (4357)

21199 Hilltop St, Southfield, MI 48033

[email protected]

Tax Exempt ID: 31-1628040

Hours of Operation:

Monday-Friday: 8:00am-5:00pm EST