Helping Hand for Relief & Development (HHRD) is a USA based NGO (Tax Exempt ID: 31- 1628040) involved in international relief work. HHRD USA is an equal opportunity employer, all representatives must adhere to its organizational values: mutual respect, equity and justice, care of all, honesty and transparency, self-respect, and solidarity with the poor. In addition to this, HHRD enforces policies pertaining to the Code of Ethics and Anti-Harassment and Discrimination. The job holder is accountable for fulfilling his or her roles and responsibilities in line with Islamic values and principles of fairness, humanity, honesty, respect and fair treatment of his/her colleagues and staff. Here are the listings of HHRD’s current openings:
Cras vulputate pretium tortor, sed consequat nibh blandit a. Integer ut bibendum nisi.
Nulla rhoncus lectus eget mauris egestas, vitae faucibus nisl dapibus. Fusce rutrum pulvinar.
Praesent suscipit nulla nec augue interdum hendrerit. Aliquam placerat diam ut odio.
Aliquam laoreet urna et est accumsan feugiat. Pellentesque faucibus ut tortor quis pharetra.
Nulla id hendrerit arcu. Suspendisse facilisis lacinia pulvinar. Mauris efficitur nec erat a blandit.
Vivamus eu hendrerit tortor. Integer semper pulvinar vulputate. Nulla sapien ligula, aliquam in lacinia a, tristique eu libero. Praesent finibus metus ut.
Sed pulvinar velit eget consectetur tempus. Mauris a felis porta, finibus nisl vitae, molestie sapien. Nam interdum id turpis et eleifend. In a elit lacus.
Chief Cameraman
(888) 808-HELP (4357)
21199 Hilltop St, Southfield, MI 48033
[email protected]
Tax Exempt ID: 31-1628040
Monday-Friday: 8:00am-5:00pm EST
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